Wednesday, February 19, 2014

c.c 3.1

In an article by Quora, Arsene Hodali, a student, gives his input on the question and article entitled, "What Are Some Common Forms of Sexism That Men Face?" In the article, he gives a number of examples, which to me are pretty accurate. Here are a few examples.

Men have feelings but are expected to be tough enough not to show them. In a relationship, they are looked up to, to be the strongest of them both. Arsene Hodali states in the text, "Men are conditioned to reject anything feminine within themselves such as emotions, frailty, and so on (homophobia could be argued as a physical and violent manifestation of this conditioned rejection)."

Children who are not in school and are at home often seem to love their stay at home mothers more than the fathers.. Why? Because the fathers work to provide a stable home, the tend to be away as much as the children would like. Also, this could be the reason children, particularly boys, tend to be more feminine.

In reference to the article, Hodali notes, "When a man and a woman commit the same crime, the man will most times receive a harsher sentence and be assumed the initiator if the man and woman were partners in crime (this is largely sexist towards women in that it believes men to be more in control of their own actions, but it's a double-edged sword)."

The study found that men receive sentences that are 63 percent higher, on average, than their female counterparts. A 2009 study suggested the difference in sentencing might arise because "judges treat women more leniently for practical reasons, such as their greater caretaking responsibility." Past studies have also found that minority men are, on average, given longer prison sentences than white men convicted of the same crimes.

I, personally can relate to this because I see all the time how judges sentence minorities a harsher punishment; moreover, I have also experienced it as well. Referring to the Zimmerman trial, he shot a 17 year old boy claiming he thought he was up to no good. His bad judgment, a claim that was totally wrong, Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin on the spot.

  • Compound
  • Participial
  • Absolute
  • Appositive

Work Cited
Hodali, Arsene and Junner, Jazz. "What Are Some Common Forms of Sexism That Men Face?" Quora. 19, Dec 2013 Web. 18, Jan 2014

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